Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year!

Happy New Year to all! My resolutions? To find a secure job, and to work on my novel- hopefully now that school is over, I can find more time for it, and the muses to do so.

Friday, December 25, 2009


Morg and I had a quiet Christmas this year- hung out at home all day. She got a huge bowl of food soaked in turkey broth, a couple of toys, and some treats. Spoiled child, she is. We went for a walk at a local park to look at their light display last evening... such a great tradition of ours for Christmas. Hope you and yours had an equally relaxing and fun holiday!

Friday, December 11, 2009


Double celebration this Holiday season- not only is it Christmas, but I finished my last paper yesterday, and will receive my diploma on Saturday!! Now it's time for me to settle down, work on my novels and get published.

OH! I may be going to the College English Association conference in the Spring to present a paper as well!! Wonder how THAT'LL go...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Catching up

How can I have been THAT far behind in posting here? Please forgive me. One thing about November is really bugging me this year... NaNoWriMo is on and I'd love to participate. This year, however... not possible. Finishing up with school, and job hunting, as I will be graduating next month. I've even been having nibbles from my novel muses again! I think the time has come to start working on my writing again once I get situated. It's about time, I would say.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Four more classes left!

I just finished off my Grammatical Structures paper and got that submitted! One class next summer session (Starting Monday) and then two classes and an internship in the Fall. Then, graduation!!! Sadly, with school work and everything else going on, there hasn't been any way to write as much as I'd like to. Though I managed to complete some Fan Fic.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thank GOD!

Finally finished the semester's papers late last night, so I'm free for a week- WHOO HOO!! I got some good news about the book our prof was looking into getting published too. He spoke to UA Press- they are going to publish it early in 2010!! I'm officially going to be a published author!!!!
And this morning, I found a pretty nice little table that someone had thrown out and gave it a place in my apartment. Life is DEFINITELY good. That is until grades come out, anyway. Hopefully that won't be bad news.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!!

It's Easter weekend now, and I've been swamped with school work. Papers are slowly starting to formulate themselves in my mind at least, and the papers should be done on time. There is a ham baking now- I can hardly wait to taste it later! Yes, an early Easter celebration, but I know I will have an easier time working on school work tomorrow after Mass, so better to do it today. Wishing you all a great Easter!